ADEX-FMEA Software for Design & Process Risk Mitigation


>  Support multiple events with various functions, requirements & modes

>  Built-in RPN calculation

>  Customised Severity and Detectability table reference

>  Auto mirror of Control Plan items across FMEA sheets

>  Web based enabling work from anywhere

>  Notification on high RPN

Issues Addressed

>  Silo team addressing enterprise wide problems

>  Encountering repeated failures without reusing lesson learned through knowledge retention

>  No traceability and follow through in action items and personnel responsibility

>  Prioritise tasks and resources in risk mitigation efforts

>  Tedious control plan with repeating data entry

>  Wrong failure mode and severity prediction


>  Enabling cross-functional team participation

>  Reduce communication error across sites allowing better teamwork effort through online sharing data and update

>  Prevent potential failures through previous similar solving procedures

>  Easily incorporate risk-based methodology into new or process design

>  Error proofing driven design or process - prevention over detection

How It Works

Our Brochure

FMEA Brochure